Devil's Claw Flower Essence

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Devil's Claw Flower Essence


More essences Coming Soon!

Devil’s Claw…

This essence is made with filtered or spring water, preserved in silver Tequila, and contain the vibrational signature of the flower of Carla’s own garden grown Proboscidea sp., native to the desert Southwest. All Yerba Nomadica essence comes in a 1/2 oz amber glass bottle with dropper. Included with your order is a complementary Yerba Nomadica Desert Essences User’s Guide

About Flower Essences:

Flower essences are medicines that work on the energetic body first and foremost, effecting the physical secondarily. They are made by capturing the vibrational signature of the plant rather than its chemical constituents, therefore they are very safe and do not have the associated precautions when taken with conventional medicines.


Essences can be taken internally or externally in small doses. Yerba Nomadica suggests 1-5 drops up to twice a day; the smallest dose having the more pronounced effect, and lessening with each additional drop.

A percentage of all sales from Y/N’s Desert Essences Line is donated to the Dig Deep Navajo Water Project, bringing clean running water and solar power to households of the Navajo Nation.

This item has not been approved by the FDA, and is not claim to treat, prevent, cure, or diagnose disease. It is indented for educational purposes only.

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